Every person is capable of learning, growing and accomplishing. By leveraging our strengths, talents and abilities we can all thrive, personally and professionally. A Strengths Canvass enables us to reflect on and canvass strengths, to savour and analyse qualities, talents and abilities. In doing so we are able to build on what is good and right in ourselves, our families and our organizations. We can develop competence, autonomy, a sense of belonging and hope. By strengthening relationships, we improve wellbeing and performance.

Since launching Strengths Canvass, I have consulted, coached and facilitated across a range of organizations and sectors, including corporate, health, charities and education, with families, teams and individuals. I have worked both nationally and internationally facilitating workshops on Coaching, Mindset, Wellbeing, Relationships and Team Dynamics, Resilience and Coping, Emotions, Positive Leadership and Strengths. I have also facilitated many wonderful Appreciative Inquiries which have created pathways to positive and productive change within communities. My goal is always to personalize learning opportunities and partnerships to meet each organization’s specific and unique context, so that learning can become deeply embedded in culture.

The Strengths Canvass is:

AUTHENTIC - acknowledges negativity & problems but transcends them

POSITIVE - focusses on what is best

EMPOWERING - encourages and grows people

ENERGISING - elevates and motivates

A CONNECTOR - builds a sense of self-worth, belonging and purpose